Articles for category: Economic Policies & Models, Historical Perspectives, Political Systems & Ideologies,

Who Was Che Guevara and His Legacy

“Let’s be realistic. Let’s do the impossible!” The legacy of Che Guevara, a revolutionary icon, continues to resonate today. There was a time not so long ago when almost every student bedroom had a picture of Che Guevara on the wall. In death, the legacy of Che Guevara became the quintessential cultural icon with his ...

Imperial Island – Charlotte Lydia Riley (Vintage Publishing)

Imperial Island by Charlotte Lydia Riley sets out to be ‘a history of empire in modern Britain’, as its subtitle tells us.  It follows the history of Britain from 1939 to the present day and tries to show how the British Empire is still at the core of what makes Britain tick. This is a ...

Burma Sahib – Paul Theroux (Hamish Hamilton)

Paul Theroux is a well-travelled man.  He has travelled to most places in the world and has written novels, short stories and travel writing reflecting his travels. He began his writing career as a novelist in the 1960s (Waldo) and since then has published 29 novels.  Many of these successful, some of them turned into ...

Technofeudalism – Yanis Varoufakis  (Bodley Head)

Many commentators have predicted the end of capitalism, but Yanis Varoufakis goes one step further than most commentators have previously done.  In his book Technofeudalism he argues that capitalism is dead and that we are moving into a new wave of history.Capitalism is dead!  That is the message of Yanis Varoufakis’ new book. Written as ...

Fear: An Alternative History of the World” by Robert Peckham

Why are we scared and What are we scared of? “Fear: An Alternative History of the World” by Robert Peckham, published by Profile Books Ltd, explores the pervasive and often manipulative role of fear throughout human history. This review delves deep into the book’s analysis, offering insights into how fear has shaped societies from ancient ...