Articles for category: Economic Policies & Models, Political Systems & Ideologies,

Illustration of the 2024 British General Election, featuring voters at polling booths decorated with Union Jack flags, with the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben in the background.

The British General Election

Peter Wheeler, a political activist for the Labour Party in the UK, reflects on the pivotal 2024 British General Election, which marked a significant shift in the country’s political landscape.  He has been a local government councillor as well as having held senior posts within the Labour Party.  He campaigned tirelessly in the recent election.  ...

Power to the People – Danny Sriskandarajah  (headline Press)

Danny Sriskandarajah is the head of the New Economics Foundation (NEF).  This was an organisation set up forty years ago to fight neoliberalism.  Since that time neoliberalism has come to dominate the economic policies across the globe.  The result has been to concentrate wealth in the hands of the wealthy. The challenge the Foundation faces ...

Why There Is So Much to Be Concerned About a Labour Victory in the UK

Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party in the UK, and the next Prime Minister, likes to boast on social media that he has changed the Labour Party.  This is a change which has seen him take the Labour Party further to the right than even Tony Blair, who won an equally resounding victory ...

Technofeudalism – Yanis Varoufakis  (Bodley Head)

Many commentators have predicted the end of capitalism, but Yanis Varoufakis goes one step further than most commentators have previously done.  In his book Technofeudalism he argues that capitalism is dead and that we are moving into a new wave of history.Capitalism is dead!  That is the message of Yanis Varoufakis’ new book. Written as ...